What Is Multivariate Testing? Definition and Examples

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Multivariate Testing

Step into Multivariate Testing, where every element is meticulously examined to unlock the keys to success. In this blog, we embark on a journey to explore the definition and dive into exquisite examples of Multivariate Testing. From headlines that captivate attention to button colors that drive action, Multivariate 

Testing allows businesses to optimize their digital experiences, increase conversions, and stay one step ahead of the competition. 

Here we unravel the secrets of this dynamic testing approach and discover how it can revolutionize your online presence, propelling you toward digital greatness.

What Is Multivariate Testing?

Multivariate Testing Definition

Multivariate Testing is a statistical technique used to analyze and optimize multiple elements simultaneously within a digital experience, such as a website or mobile app. 

It involves creating different combinations of variables, such as headlines, images, layouts, and call-to-action buttons, and presenting them to users to measure their impact on user behavior and conversions. 

By systematically testing various combinations, Multivariate Testing helps businesses identify the most practical combination of elements to maximize engagement, improve user experience, and achieve desired goals. This data-driven approach enables organizations to make informed decisions, refine their digital strategies, and drive meaningful results.

Multivariate Testing vs. A/B Testing

Here is a comparison of multivariate testing (MVT) and A/B testing:

FeatureMultivariate TestingA/B Testing
What is it?A type of A/B testing that tests multiple variables at once.A type of A/B testing that tests two variables at once.
AdvantagesCan provide more insights into how users interact with a product.Simpler and faster to set up and run.
DisadvantagesCan be more complex and time-consuming to set up and run.Can only test two variables at once, so may not provide as much insight into user behavior.
When to use itUse MVT when you want to test multiple variables at once, such as the headline, copy, and image of a landing page.Use A/B testing when you want to test two variables at once, such as the color of a button or the placement of a form.

Here are some additional details about MVT and A/B testing:

  • Multivariate testing is a type of A/B testing that tests multiple variables at once. This can be useful for testing different combinations of variables to see how they affect user behavior. For example, you could test different headlines, images, and copy on a landing page to see which combination results in the highest conversion rate.
  • A/B testing is a type of testing that compares two versions of a web page or app to see which one performs better. This can be useful for testing different colors, fonts, layouts, or features.

Which type of testing you use depends on your specific needs and goals. If you want to test multiple variables at once, then MVT is the better option. If you only want to test two variables at once, then A/B testing is the better option.

Here are some examples of when you might use MVT or A/B testing:

  • MVT: You want to test different combinations of headline, image, and copy on a landing page to see which combination results in the highest conversion rate.
  • A/B testing: You want to test different colors of a button to see which color results in the highest click-through rate.
  • A/B testing: You want to test different layouts of an app to see which layout results in the highest user engagement.

Ultimately, the best way to decide which type of testing to use is to consult with a qualified marketing or product analyst.

How to Do Multivariate Testing?

To conduct Multivariate Testing effectively, follow these steps:

  • Define Testing Goals: Define the specific goals you want to achieve through Multivariate Testing. Whether increasing click-through rates, improving conversion rates, or enhancing user engagement, having a clear objective will guide your testing strategy.
  • Identify Testing Elements: Determine the elements you want to test, such as headlines, images, colors, layouts, or calls to action. These elements should directly impact user behavior and be significant enough to drive meaningful changes in your digital experience.
  • Create Variations: Generate multiple versions of each element you want to test. For example, if you’re testing headlines, create variations that convey different messages or tones. Ensure that each variation is distinct and stands out from the others.
  • Design Test Combinations: Combine the variations of different elements to create test variations. Each test variation represents a unique combination of elements. The number of test variations will depend on the number of elements and their variations.
  • Split Traffic: Evenly divide your website or app traffic among test variations. This ensures that users receive an equal opportunity to see and interact with each variation.
  • Collect Data: Implement tracking and analytics tools to gather data on user interactions and behaviors within each test variation. Monitor metrics relevant to your testing goals, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, bounce rates, or time spent on the page.
  • Analyze Results: Analyze the data collected from the Multivariate Testing to determine which test variations best achieve your testing goals. Identify the combinations that drive the highest engagement or conversion rates.
  • Implement Winning Combination: Based on the results, implement the winning combination of elements that performed the best. This combination becomes the optimized version of your digital experience.
  • Iterate and Repeat: Multivariate Testing is an iterative process. Learn from the results, make adjustments, and test new variations to improve your digital experience and achieve better results continually.

Following these steps, you can effectively conduct Multivariate Testing and leverage data-driven insights to optimize your digital experiences for maximum impact and success.

Benefits of Multivariate Testing

Here are some of the benefits of multivariate testing (MVT):

  • It can provide more insights into how users interact with a product. MVT can help you understand how different product elements affect user behavior. This can help you to improve the overall user experience and increase conversions.
  • It can help you to identify the most critical factors that affect user behavior. By testing multiple variables at once, MVT can help you to identify the most critical factors that affect user behavior. This information can be used to prioritize your product development efforts and ensure that you focus on the most critical areas.
  • It can help you to improve your conversion rates. By testing different versions of your product, MVT can help you to improve your conversion rates. This can lead to more sales, leads, or other desired outcomes.
  • It can help you to save time and money. By testing multiple variables at once, MVT can help you to save time and money. You do not need multiple A/B tests to get the same results.
  • It can help you to make more informed decisions about your product. MVT can help you make more informed decisions about your product by providing data-driven insights into user behavior. This information can be used to make better decisions about your product’s design, features, and marketing.

Overall, MVT can be a valuable tool for product teams that want to improve their products and increase conversion rates.

Examples of Multivariate Testing

Here are some examples of multivariate testing (MVT):

  • Testing different headlines, images, and copy on a landing page to see which combination results in the highest conversion rate. This is a typical example of MVT because it allows you to test different landing page elements to see which have the most significant impact on conversions.
  • Testing different prices for a product to see which price point results in the highest number of sales. This is another typical example of MVT because it allows you to test different pricing strategies to determine the most profitable.
  • Testing different layouts for an app to see which layout results in the highest user engagement. This is a less common example of MVT. Still, it can help test different ways to organize and display content in an app.
  • Testing different features for a product to see which features are most used by users. This is an excellent way to identify which features are most important to users and prioritize your development efforts accordingly.
  • Testing different marketing campaigns to see which campaign results in the highest number of leads or sales. This is an excellent way to optimize your marketing spend and ensure you reach your target audience with the most effective messages.

These are just a few examples of how MVT can improve products and increase conversions. The specific variables that you test will depend on your specific product and goals.

It is important to note that MVT can be more complex and time-consuming to set up and run than A/B testing. However, the insights you gain from MVT can be invaluable for improving your products and increasing conversions.


When to use multivariate testing?

Multivariate testing is ideal when you want to test the impact of multiple elements simultaneously within a digital experience. It is useful when you have significant website or app traffic and want to optimize critical metrics like conversions, engagement, or user behavior.

How long should I run a multivariate test?

The duration of a multivariate test depends on various factors, including your website/app traffic, the desired level of statistical significance, and the magnitude of expected changes. Generally, running tests for at least one to two weeks is recommended to account for different user behaviors and ensure reliable results.

What are some tools that can help with multivariate testing?

Several tools can assist with multivariate testing, such as Google Optimize, Optimizely, VWO (Visual Website Optimizer), and Adobe Target. These tools provide features for creating test variations, tracking user interactions, analyzing results, and optimizing digital experiences without the need for extensive technical expertise.

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