What Is Business Case and How to Write It (Examples)

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Business Case

Imagine you’ve got a groundbreaking idea, a vision that could revolutionize industries and change lives. But there’s a catch. You need the support, resources, and buy-in from key players who hold the keys to unlocking your dream’s full potential.

 However, with a persuasive and comprehensive business case, your aspirations may be able to succeed in unfulfilled potential. Crafting an exceptional business case can be daunting, leaving you overwhelmed and uncertain about where to begin.

But worry not, for we have your back. In this article, we will delve into the essence of a business case and unravel its mystique.

You will gain a profound understanding of its purpose, vital components, and the strategic approach required to construct a compelling case. Drawing from real-life examples that have propelled countless ventures to success, we will illustrate the art of crafting persuasive business cases that stand out.

So, let’s dive in and unlock the power of the business case framework together.

What Is a Business Case?

Business Case Definition:

A business case is a well-structured and documented proposal that outlines the feasibility, benefits, costs, and risks associated with a specific business opportunity or project. It is a compelling argument for why a particular course of action should get pursued, providing a clear justification for investment and resource allocation.

Before we delve into the intricacies of writing a business case, let’s first clarify what it entails. A business case consolidates various elements, such as objectives, costs, and benefits, into a comprehensive report. 

A business case serves as a roadmap for decision-makers, clearly understanding the project’s potential outcomes and justifications. It offers a comprehensive view of the project’s benefits by analyzing financial appraisal, proposal, strategy, and marketing plan. 

By doing so, the business case gives decision-makers a holistic perspective on how the project will benefit the organization.

The significance of a business case is multifaceted.

A well-constructed business case plays a pivotal role in securing support and resources for a project. It enables project managers to present a compelling argument, demonstrating why the project is a sound investment. 

By highlighting the anticipated benefits, such as increased revenue, improved efficiency, or enhanced customer satisfaction, a business case creates a strong rationale for project approval. 

Moreover, it serves as a communication tool, aligning the project’s objectives with the organization’s overall strategy and fostering a shared understanding among stakeholders.

Components of a Business Case

A comprehensive and persuasive business case requires including specific components that offer a thorough project analysis. The following essential elements should get incorporated into your business case:

Executive Summary

The executive summary concisely summarizes the business case, highlighting the project’s objectives, benefits, and critical findings. As the first section that stakeholders read, it should be engaging and emphasize the essential points of the case.

Problem Statement

The problem statement clearly articulates the underlying issue or opportunity the project aims to address. It is crucial to define the problem, explain its impact on the organization, and justify the need for a dedicated project to resolve it. 

A compelling problem statement helps stakeholders understand the necessity and urgency of the project.

Alternatives Analysis

This section evaluates and compares different alternatives or solutions to the identified problem. The business case considers each alternative’s advantages and disadvantages, considering feasibility, cost, and potential impact.

Presenting various options demonstrates that the chosen project is the most viable and beneficial among the alternatives.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

A robust cost-benefit analysis is a crucial component of a persuasive business case. It assesses the financial implications of the project, including costs and expected benefits. The prices should be quantified, including initial investment, operational expenses, and ongoing maintenance. 

Simultaneously, the benefits, such as increased revenue, cost savings, or improved efficiency, should also be identified and quantified. 

A clear and compelling comparison between costs and benefits showcases the project’s potential return on investment.

Risk Assessment

This section identifies and assesses potential risks associated with the project. Risks may include technical challenges, market fluctuations, or regulatory changes. It is crucial to determine the probability and potential impact of each threat and to propose effective mitigation strategies.

Demonstrating a proactive approach to risk management instills confidence in stakeholders and highlights your ability to navigate potential obstacles.

Implementation Plan

The implementation plan outlines the steps, resources, and timeline required to execute the project successfully. It describes critical milestones, deliverables, and dependencies while highlighting the roles and responsibilities of team members. 

A clear roadmap for project execution demonstrates a thorough understanding of the project’s requirements and feasibility.

Steps for Writing a Business Case

By following a systematic approach, you can develop a persuasive business case that effectively communicates the value and feasibility of your proposed solution. Let us look at the steps for writing a compelling business case.

Step 1: Define the Problem or Opportunity

  • Clearly define the issue or opportunity at hand.
  • Thoroughly understand the situation and make it easily understandable for others.

Step 2: Identify the Stakeholders

  • Identify key stakeholders affected by the solution.
  • Consider employees, customers, suppliers, and the wider community.
  • Understand their perspectives for a comprehensive business case.

Step 3: Analyze Alternatives

  • Explore different solutions through research and brainstorming.
  • Consider conventional and innovative approaches.
  • Look at similar cases, industry best practices, and emerging trends.

Step 4: Conduct a Cost-Benefit Analysis

  • Demonstrate the financial implications of the proposed solution.
  • Estimate costs and compare them to expected benefits.
  • Include tangible and intangible factors in the analysis.

Step 5: Conduct a Risk Assessment

  • Determine and evaluate any potential risks connected to the solution.
  • Consider operational, financial, legal, regulatory, and reputational risks.
  • Develop strategies to mitigate risks and strengthen the case.

Step 6: Develop an Implementation Plan

  • Create a detailed plan for implementing the solution.
  • Outline steps, timelines, resource requirements, and milestones.
  • Anticipate potential challenges and be prepared.

Step 7: Review and Refine the Business Case

  • Seek feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors.
  • Ensure the case is logical, persuasive, and comprehensive.
  • Use clear, concise, and engaging language.
  • Convey enthusiasm for the proposed solution.

Benefits of Developing a Business Case

Developing a business case offers several benefits that can significantly enhance decision-making and increase the likelihood of successful outcomes. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Clarity and Focus: Creating a business case helps you clearly define and articulate the problem or opportunity. It allows you to establish a focused objective and align all stakeholders toward a common goal. This clarity enhances communication and ensures everyone is working towards the same vision.
  1. Stakeholder Alignment: A business case involves identifying and engaging with key stakeholders. You can gain their support, address their concerns, and incorporate their perspectives by applying them. This alignment helps build consensus and increases the chances of successful implementation.
  2. Informed Decision-Making: Through thorough analysis and evaluation, a business case provides decision-makers with comprehensive information about alternatives, costs, benefits, and risks. It enables them to make informed choices based on data, evidence, and well-reasoned arguments rather than relying on intuition or incomplete information.
  3. Resource Allocation: Developing a business case helps allocate resources effectively. By conducting a cost-benefit analysis, decision-makers can determine whether the proposed solution is financially viable and aligns with the organization’s priorities. It ensures that resources get allocated to initiatives with the most significant positive impact potential.
  4. Risk Management: A business case includes a risk assessment, which allows decision-makers to identify potential obstacles and develop mitigation strategies. By addressing risks proactively, organizations can reduce uncertainty, minimize adverse impacts, and increase the chances of successful implementation.
  5. Stakeholder Communication: A well-crafted business case serves as a communication tool for stakeholders at various levels of the organization. It presents a compelling argument, supported by data and analysis, that helps stakeholders understand the rationale behind the proposed solution. Effective communication increases engagement, fosters support, and encourages collaboration.

Business Case Examples

Here are some real-life examples of business cases:

  1. Acquisition Case (McKinsey, Bain, BCG): This case focuses on evaluating an acquisition’s feasibility and potential benefits. It requires analyzing market attractiveness, profitability, operational issues, and integration strategies. The case may involve assessing financials, conducting due diligence, and developing a post-merger integration plan.
  2. Comprehensive Market Entry Case: This case explores the challenges and considerations of entering a new market. It encompasses operations, pricing, costing, and market entry strategy. The case may require analyzing market attractiveness, competitive landscape, operational capabilities, pricing strategies, and distribution channels.
  3. Pepsi’s Los Angeles Bottling Plant: This case delves into optimizing a bottling plant’s supply chain and operations. It involves evaluating productivity, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in the supply chain. Key areas of analysis may include inventory management, production processes, logistics, and distribution strategies.
  4. A+ Airlines Case: This case simulates a realistic scenario encountered in case interviews with top consulting firms. It examines various aspects of the airline industry, such as revenue generation, cost management, capacity utilization, and customer experience. The case may require analyzing financial data, conducting market research, and formulating strategies for improving profitability.


Which information is included in a business case?

A business case typically includes information about the problem or opportunity, stakeholders, alternatives, cost-benefit analysis, risk assessment, implementation plan, and a case review.

What information should not be included in a business case?

You should avoid information unrelated to the problem or opportunity, excessive technical details, personal opinions, and irrelevant data in a business case.

What is the purpose of a business case?

The purpose of a business case is to justify a proposed project or investment by providing a comprehensive analysis of its potential benefits, costs, risks, and implementation plan. It helps decision-makers assess the viability and strategic fit of the initiative.

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