What Is Customer Development? Definition and Process

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What Is Customer Development

What Is Customer Development?

Customer Development Definition

Customer development is validating business concepts and solutions through getting feedback directly from potential customers. It involves talking to prospective customers to understand their needs, pain points, and insights on the critical product being developed.

The goal of customer development is to identify the right problem for the potential customers and then evaluate if the business idea or solution is solving that problem effectively. Customer development helps product managers and startup founders properly define customer segments, understand what customers truly want, and determine if a fit exists between the solution and customer needs before developing the entire product or making significant investments.

It often starts with simply engaging potential customers in conversation to learn about their workflow, challenges, and priorities. Developers may conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups to understand customer jobs, pains, and gains. Feedback helps sharpen value proposition and solution features. It is an iterative process that helps minimize waste and risks by constantly testing ideas and assumptions directly with prospective users. Developers keep evaluating customer response and refining their understanding to reach a product-market fit.

Customer development is talking directly to potential customers during the early stages of building a product or service. It’s about getting out of the building, engaging in conversations with real people who may use your solution, and understanding what problems they’re facing from their perspective.

It’s an interactive, hands-on approach to testing solutions instead of just making assumptions. Customer development helps ensure you’re building the right thing before investing much time and money into development. If done effectively, it enables you to get honest feedback that can be incorporated to create something customers will love. Talking directly to potential users is the best way to develop a product or service people want.

Why Is Customer Development Significant?

Now that we know the definition let’s understand the significance.

  • Customer development helps companies build products that people want or need. Entrepreneurs can understand users’ needs and pains by talking directly to potential customers during development. This eliminates the risk of building something customers have no interest in.
  • It also helps validate critical assumptions about the market before significant resources are invested. Rather than developing something in isolation, customer development provides a feedback loop to test ideas and identify problems correctly continuously. This reduces the likelihood of wasted time and money on solutions customers won’t value.
  • Feedback from customers improves the overall product offering. During development, new insights are gained that can be incorporated to enhance features and functionality. The end product becomes something more tailored to users through their real input.
  • For startups and new companies, customer development is crucial for achieving product-market fit. It helps concretize the value proposition and business model around what matters most to the target demographic. Improved market fit increases the chances of achieving product adoption and commercial success.
  • Engaging customers early breeds goodwill and accountability. They become partners who feel heard and invested in the outcome. This cultivates essential relationships and trust that benefit companies in the long term.

What Are the Four Steps of Customer Development?

  • The first step is customer discovery. This involves talking to potential customers to understand their needs and pain points better. Developers conduct interviews, surveys, and focus groups to learn about the customer’s workflow and gather feedback on early ideas or minimum viable products.
  • Once key insights are gathered, it’s time for customer validation. In this step, more prototypes or early product or service versions are tested directly with customers. Their reactions provide a warranty on whether the solution effectively addresses the identified problems.
  • With a more refined concept, companies then enter the customer creation phase. Early adopters who purchase or implement the newly created product are sought here. Their feedback guides further refinement while proving people are willing to become paying customers.
  • The final step is company building. At this stage, the solution has achieved product-market fit and gained valuable early customers. The focus shifts to scaling up operations, acquiring more customers, optimizing processes, and developing partnerships or channels to grow the business. Continuous improvement also depends on maintaining the customer development mindset.

Iterating through these steps helps reduce risks while creating products and companies customers genuinely want and appreciate. It’s a process that informs all aspects of business design and operation.

What Are the Critical Customer Development Methods?

Let’s look at some essential customer development methods:

  • Customer Interviews – Speaking directly with customers through one-on-one or small group conversations to understand needs, pain points, and opinions on solutions.
  • Surveys – Distributing questionnaires to gather enormous audience feedback on demographics, preferences, and requirements.
Use Surveys - Built Right Inside Chisel to Address Common Use Cases
Use Surveys – Built Right Inside Chisel to Address Common Use Cases
  • Focus Groups – Facilitated discussions with 6-10 customers to observe debate and explore perspectives on a new product or service.
  • Prototyping – Creating mockups, wireframes, or minimum viable products to test concepts and generate early user feedback.
  • Customer Observations – Watching how customers work or solve problems to gather insights on pain points and opportunities.
Use Chisel’s Feedback Portal to Capture the Voice of Customers
Use Chisel’s Feedback Portal to Capture the Voice of Customers
  • Jobs-to-be-Done Framework – Understanding the jobs or tasks customers hire a product or service to do from their perspective.
  • Companion Studies – Spending time with customers in their context to gain a rich qualitative view of their workflows and decision-making.
  • Landing Pages – Quickly testing interest and demand through an essential website, capturing early adopter details.
  • Surprise and Delight Tests – Uncovering unexpected ways customers use a product to inspire innovations.

These methods aim to have ongoing, iterative engagement with customers to learn and validate assumptions continually.

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Tips for Conducting Effective Customer Development

Here are some helpful tips for driving effective customer development:

  • Start early in the process to incorporate feedback into your solution. Be sure to talk to customers before you’ve already developed something.
  • Meet customers where they are – go to their offices or worksites so you understand their environment and workflows. Seeing their context provides invaluable insights.
  • Ask open-ended questions and actively listen more than you talk. You’re there to learn from customers, not pitch your idea.
  • Build rapport by showing you care about solving their problems, not just selling to them. Customers will open up and give honest feedback if they feel heard.
  • Gather various perspectives by talking to multiple stakeholders, not just decision-makers. Different roles provide different angles on needs.
  • Iterate based on feedback by continuously testing assumptions and prototyping concepts for customers to react to. Be ready to pivot your thinking.
  • Say thank you to customers for their time. Showing appreciation will make them more likely to continue assisting your development process.

Document everything you learn so your team can use customer wisdom to refine your solution.


Customer development is a crucial process for product builders and entrepreneurs. Companies can dramatically improve their chances of success by directly engaging customers from the beginning. Valuable insights are uncovered through interviews, observations, surveys, and testing prototypes. This allows problems to be adequately understood from the user’s perspective.

The customer development process helps validate market fit while continually refining solutions based on feedback. It safeguards against making assumptions or building something customers don’t honestly want or need. Businesses can create more tailored solutions by iterating through the core steps of discovery, validation, creation, and company building while maintaining an ongoing customer-centric mindset.

Done effectively, customer development strengthens relationships with early evangelists as well. It fosters collaboration with partners invested in the outcome. Ultimately, putting customers at the center of the innovation process leads to products and services people love. That stronger product-market fit is critical for achieving lasting growth and competitive advantage in the market. While requiring diligent effort, customer development pays dividends for founders committed to building solutions of real value and utility.


What is the role of customer development in a startup?

Customer development is pivotal for startups in minimizing risks, maximizing efficiency with constrained resources, and driving the right solutions to market. It’s essential for survival and long-term success.

What are the goals of customer development?

The main goals of customer development are to understand customer needs and problems, validate that a solution fits those needs, achieve product-market fit, and ensure resources are invested efficiently in building the right product.

What is the customer development model?

The customer development model is a process that engages customers at each stage – from problem/solution fit to product/market fit to scaling a business. It focuses on continuously testing assumptions and gathering customer input to build successful products people want to buy.

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